The LEB briefly

In 1951, the „Niedersächsischer Landvolkverband“(farmers association of Lower Saxony), founded the LEB (i.e. „Ländliche Erwachsenenbildung in Niedersachsen“, german for “rural adult education in Lower Saxony”) in collaboration with major rural and agricultural associations.
Since 1970 the LEB is state–recognized under the law of adult education in Lower Saxony (named NEBG, Niedersächsisches Erwachsenenbildungsgesetz) and receives governmental financing. Since 1997, the certificate DIN EN ISO 9001 substantiates the quality of the LEB and since 2006 the LEB is authorized AZAV partner for pro-fesssionnal development. The current workload includes about 340,000 annual teaching hours during 9,000 events with more than 170,000 participants.
Representatives of the LEB are:
- Reinhard von Werder, president
- Jürgen Rieger, commercial director
- Carsten Meyer, pedagogical director
More than 500 education professionals, lecturer and administrative staff form the LEB team which is supported by more than 2,500 voluntary workers.
The LEB consists of
- 36 voluntary lead consortiums in the legal form of a registered association (e.V.)
- 9 regions, which are led main occupationally, with belonging individual consulting offices and professional education centers and departments
The task of the LEB
Is a diverse educational work in Lower Saxony with the overall goal to:
- promote cultural life in rural communities
- integrate disadvantaged population groups
- facilitate (continuing) education and training
- tackle structural change in the economy and in the society
Thereby the LEB can be described to be:
- Committed to the common good
- Politically and ideologically independent
- present particularly in rural areas
- connected with associations and groups
Our way of working
Is largely related to the individual groups and associations. The associations and groups conduct educational activities as local organizers in the educational respon-sibility of the LEB. This means the general, content, methodical and organizational planning by the main pedagogical staff with the participation of qualified voluntary workers.
Moreover the LEB is educational partner for job centers, communities, individuals and companies. LEB is responsible and runs pro-jects:
- according to EU funding programs,
- on behalf of the federal employment administration,
- with sponsorship from the Federal Government or German federal states and
- on behalf of counties, districts and municipalities.
The LEB is an accredited institution and partner for professional development and training in accordance with the AZAV.
Our events are open to all interested people. Events are regularly announced via Internet, in program guides or through press releases.
Some of our contents:
- enabling long-term unemployed young people and adults
- environmental issues (as renewable energy, public transport)
- rural development in social, economic and ecological terms
- empowerment of personal skills
- touristic guides and village developing
- a language teaching school and courses in German and English
- different skills in crafts, housekeeping and old peoples care
- kindergarten teaching and lessons about early childhood
- assessment training and coaching
- working with volunteer clubs of many different interests